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Selectmen's Minutes April 24, 2006

April 24, 2006

PRESENT:  Selectmen Emma Smith, Richard Leone, Frederick Gallup and Stephen White.   Town Manager Donna Nashawaty

ABSENT:  William Roach

OTHERS:  Please see sign up sheet attached to the minutes.

In the absence of the Chairman, Emma Smith, Vice Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

It was agreed that due to the absence of William Roach, the election of officers will be held when a full board is present.


1.  Eric Daignault

Police Chief David Cahill first informed the Selectmen that he would be recording the meeting.  Eric Daignault also informed the Selectmen that he would be recording as well.  E. Daignault began by stating that he did not ask for the meeting with the Board because he wanted to defame Chief Cahill nor was he questioning his character.  He stated that he is appearing before the Board as a past employee of the Town and as a taxpayer.  He has decided he wanted to stand up for what he believes in.  E. Daignault stated that he has spoken with the Town Manager regarding his concerns and she called him “bitter” and possibly “slanderous”.  E. Daignault stated that maybe the term “bitter” did suit him.  E. Daignault handed out two packets of information he wished to discuss with the Board.  He began by stating that when Chief Cahill began his employment with Sunapee in May of 2002 the position paid a salary of $43,000.  Now he understands that Chief Cahill is receiving  $62,149 annually and is due for an evaluation next month.  E. Daignault stated that the Newport Police Chief Hoyt earns less than Chief Cahill and the population is much larger in Newport.  He stated that Chief Cahill’s annual earnings have increased by 45% since he began work.  Also Chief Cahill has hired five people since he has been with Sunapee.  E. Daignault  stated that in the three years he worked for Chief Cahill he never received a raise even though he asked for one on many occasions.  With regard to Sergeant Collins, he understands that he was started out at $1.75 more per hour more than he was receiving when he left the position.  E. Daignault feels that Chief Cahill plays favoritism by hiring friends.  He has never seen  news articles which include the officer’s credentials.  E. Daignault was required to work Friday and Saturday nights 6:00 PM to 2:00 AM.  He asked Chief Cahill repeatedly to change this schedule and he would not,  He now understands that Sergeant Collins does not have to work Saturday nights.  He
Board of Selectmen
April 24, 2006

questioned why Sergeant Collins who has only been with the Town for eight months receives $23.99 per hour.  He received a 5% increase during his evaluation and another cost of living increase of 3.5%.  This is 18% more than E. Daignault was receiving doing the same position.  E. Daignault stated that there has been a lot of resignations since David Cahill became Chief.  He believes there has been a huge turnover and a lot of the new officers don’t even live in Sunapee.  E. Daignault stated that he understands that Sergeant Collins has two more years of experience than he and also has a degree, but he felt that his being a  resident, and Sergeant Collins not, was a plus.  E. Daignault blamed his wife leaving  him was because Chief Cahill would not change his schedule to allow him weekend time with his wife and children.  E. Daignault distributed a handout to the Board with 4 questions he wished to have answers to.  The first is why has Chief Cahill’s salary increased by 45% in the last 5 years and the police budget by 43%.  Emma Smith stated that she would like to study the figures further before making a comment.  Stephen White stated that this was between the Town Manager and Selectmen and should have been brought up when the Board was budgeting, not after the budget has passed.  Donna Nashawaty explained that it was outside of the Personnel Rules to change raises.  She explained the salary table which can change from year to year.  S. White asked E. Daignault if he was before the Board as a citizen or did he have a grievance?  S. White further explained that it was up to the Chief to set salaries in his department and not the Manager or Selectmen.  He asked E. Daignault if he wanted his job back and if that was why he was present?  E. Daignault replied that he did not, he was present to get answers.  S. White explained the budgeting process and said he did not agree with the comparison of the  Newport’s Chief’s salary to Sunapee’s because the population in Sunapee doubles during the summer months.  E. Daignault asked why Sergeant Collins is allowed to work the shift he wanted to work when employed by the department D. Nashawaty stated that the RSA’s clearly state that the Police Chief  is in command of scheduling his officers.  The Selectmen and Manager can only advise but cannot force the Chief to change the schedule.  Fred Gallup agreed stating that the Board would only address this issue with the Chief if complaints from residents were received and the Board has received none.  E. Daignault asked why was Sergeant earning $3.79 more per hour than he was?  Richard Leone asked E. Daignault what he had tried to use as a remedy.  E. Daignault explained that he spoke many times with Chief Cahill and  he met with the Town Manager.  Emma Smith stated that the budget meetings are opened to the public and suggested that he attend when they begin again.  E. Daignault asked the Board if they found it odd about the increase in pay and scheduling when this would not be addressed with him.  E. Smith stated that the Board could not comment on this and again recommended that E. Daignault address this at budget time.  D. Nashaway explained the Town Manager form of government and that the Selectmen set the Personnel Policies and pay tables.   S. White stated that Sunapee had to be competitive with the surrounding towns for good personnel.  S. White stated that he has the  utmost respect for E. Daignault, but the Board could not take any actions on his requests.  

Board of Selectmen
April 24, 2006


See agenda attached to file copy.


A.  Evaluation of Personnel

Emma Smith asked when the Board wanted to get together to do the evaluation for the Town Manager.  D. Nashawaty explained that last year the Board filled out the form individually and then met to discuss it.  The Board agreed to meet in non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3 (II) (a) for personnel discussion on Tuesday, May 16 at 5:30 at the Town Hall.  D. Nashawaty will attend the meeting at 6:30 PM.


B.  T.J. Alexander – NH/VT Solid Waste District Update

T. J. Alexander and Michael Durfor were present to update the Selectmen on the ash landfill and district.  A booklet of material was left with the Board previously to review.  T. J. Alexander turned their interest to the summary sheet of the booklet.  He explained that the purchase of the landfill by ECON was almost complete.  What discussion is on now if the landfill is kept, it will have to be managed by someone and who?   Funds that come with the purchase of the landfill appear enough to make it self-sustaining.  Monies are available for the well monitoring.  This will have to be done for the next 25 years.  The wells have been monitored now for 5 years.  Michael Durfor explained that some of the 50 acres could be developed and this has also been discussed, although releases would have to be signed by purchasers leaving the membership towns  not liable for any thing that may occur in the future.  D. Leone asked if there were any major concerns of the 29 towns.  T.J. Alexander explained that the signing of the releases was one of the major concerns.  The concerns are listed on the summary sheet.  D. Leone asked if T. J. Alexander and M. Durfor found the plan acceptable. Both felt that it was.  Motion was made by Fred Gallup to direct the Town’s representatives to vote in favor of the plan as presented.  The motion was seconded by Stephen White.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

T. J. Alexander also addressed the Board on whether or not it has thought about remaining in the NH  District.  The VT/NH  District will split.  D. Nashawaty stated that she has discussed this issue with some neighboring towns but nothing has developed yet.  T. J. Alexander reminded the Board that some monies will be left over which must be split up between the NH District towns.  

Board of Selectmen
April 24, 2006


A.  Letter Re:  Children’s Garden

D. Nashawaty discussed a letter received by all Board members and herself addressing the Children’s Gardens.  It appears that many rumors are going about town about the garden with some thinking it would  be an eye sore, too large, etc.   The recommendation was made that the Selectmen hold a public meeting to discuss the Children’s Garden so concerned residents could ask questions and see the plans.  Donna Gazelle was present for the discussion.  She explained that the project has not been staked out.  When it was decided to do this, they could not because the ground was still frozen.  At the present, two members are away over seas and the other members of the committee wish to wait for their return before plans proceed on the garden.  The Selectmen will have this item on the agenda for the May 22 meeting to set a date to view the  proposed garden.  Stephen White asked how the property was obtained by the Town.  Richard Leone explained that it was given to the town by nearby owners.  S. White questioned if there might be covenants in the deed that would not allow a garden.  D. Nashawaty will check the deed.  

B.  MV Kearsarge Lease Agreement

D. Nashawaty explained that she had emailed the lease agreement to the Town’s counsel for review.  He made minor corrections.  She also sent a copy to the Fentons.  D. Nashawaty asked for authority to sign the document when she has made corrections.  Motion was made by Stephen to authorize the Town Manager to sign the lease agreement with MV Kearsarge.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.  D. Nashawaty noted that the lease is to be renewed each year even though it is a 5 year lease.

C.  Wightsteeple Productions Contract

D. Nashawaty asked for the Boards approval to sign the annual control for the bandstand with Wightsteeple Productions.  Motion was made by Fred Gallup to authorize the Town Manager to sign the Wightsteeple Productions contract.  The motion was seconded by Stephen White.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

D.  Regisnation of Mike Emmond – Recreation Committee

D. Nashawaty discussed a letter from Mike Emmond resigning from the Recreation Committee citing time limitations.  The resignation was accepted with regret.  A letter of thanks will be written to M. Emmond.

Board of Selectmen
April 24, 2006

E.  Registration of Larry Brudnicki – Building Committee

D. Nashaway discussed a letter from Larry Brudnicki resigning from the Building Committee citing health reasons.  The resignation was accepted with regret.  A letter of thanks will be written to L. Brudnicki.

F.  Committee Appointments

A review was done of  the boards and committee compilation sheet.  D. Nashawaty asked for the Board’s guidance as to how to handle committee appointments.  She has four people who are interested in the various committees.  She also needs to know who will represent the Board on the Planning Board and various other committees this year.  F. Gallup noted that the Highway Safety Committee needed to be added to the sheet.  He suggested that the Board invite the interested individuals to the next meeting to discuss the positions with them.  This will be done.

G.  Newbury Boat Launch

Stephen White explained to the Board that he attended a meeting of the Newbury Selectmen on April 17.  Discussion at the meeting was held on the boat launch that the State wants to put in off of Wildgoose Lane, a town owned road.  This road intersects with a very dangerous and busy intersection of Route 103.  The Newbury Selectmen have data that has proven that several accidents occur at this very spot each year.  They can’t understand how a truck pulling a large boat will able to get safely out  of Wildgoose Lane onto Route 103.   S. White would like to see the Sunapee Selectmen write a letter of support to the Newbury Selectmen stressing the safety issue.  He would also like to see a copy go to the Governor.  Motion was made by Fred Gallup to send a letter of support to the Newbury Selectmen.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.


A.  Safety Services Complex Update

D. Nashawaty reported that the project is  coming in on time and on budget.  The seals have been put in place as well as the clock.  The second floor was sheet rocked.  This was not planned originally, but the Fire Department agreed to take it out of their budget because the price was so much more less than having the man come back to do the project.  This will also assist with heating the building.  The elevator needs a telephone to maintain the elevator.  This will be put in place.  The landscapers will begin soon.  She stated that the full $3,390,000 budgeted may not be needed.

Board of Selectmen
April 24, 2006

B.  Packetfront: WCNHRHSCC Agreement

D. Nashawaty distributed information on an agreement with other communities in NH to hire someone to study why and how can the communities that do not have broadband get this service so that all homes can have high speed internet.  This agreement is Phase 1 and Phase 2.  Motion was made by Stephen White to authorize the Town Manager to sign the agreement.  The motion was seconded by Fred.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

C.  Summer Town Meeting

D. Nashawaty asked the Board when they would like to schedule the Summer Town Meeting.  She would like to begin advertising soon to try to get a better attendance.  The Board agreed on the date of August 15, 2006.  D. Nashawaty stated that she would like to purchase a banner to place on the front lawn of Town Hall to inform the public of the date and place.  The Board agreed to the purchase of a banner.

D.  Update on Old Town Hall

D. Nashawaty informed the Selectmen that she, Michael Durfor and Jeff Taylor met to discuss what might be the future of the old Town Hall.  Jeff Taylor worked for the Office of State Planning and was the initiative in the Charrette program.  He would be willing to do one for the Town of Sunapee at a cost of $30,000.  Emma Smith stated that rather than spending that amount of money she would like to see the Town call a forum to try to gather volunteers who would be willing to do the Charrette.  Fred Gallup stated that he wants to see the old Town Hall be a benefit to the Town and not a financial burden.  Stephen White suggested that a fund raiser be held.  He would like to see the building become a possible community center.  Discussion was held on establishing a Livery Renovation Committee.  E. Smith would like to see an article appear in the Yankee Magazine about the livery in the old Town Hall.  She will write to the editor of the magazine to see if they will do this.  E. Smith also suggested that an article appear in the local newspapers requesting volunteers to work on the project.  It was agreed that this item will be discussed again at the May 8 meeting of the Board.


A.  Joint Meeting with School Board

It was agreed that a joint meeting between the School Board and Selectmen will be held May 22, 2006 at 7:00 PM at Town Hall.

Board of Selectmen
April 24, 2006

B.  Job Description Update

D. Nashawaty informed the Board that at their meeting of May 8 discussion will be held on job descriptions for the new prosecutor, building maintenance position, and library children’s aide.

A motion was made by Stephen White to enter non-public session at 10:05 PM in accordance with RSA 91-A:3 II (a) to discuss personnel.  The motion was seconded by Fred Gallup.  The voice vote was unanimous.

Motion was made by Fred Gallup to leave non-public session at 10:35 PM.  The motion was seconded by Stephen White.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Motion was made by Emma Smith to seal the minutes of the non-public session.  The motion was seconded by Fred Gallup.  The voice vote was unanimous.

The meeting adjourned at 10:40 PM.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                    Approved_____________________

______________________________          _____________________________
William Roach, Chairman                         Emma Smith, Vice-Chairman

______________________________          _____________________________
Richard Leone                                           Frederick Gallup

Stephen W. White